Primary School
About Us
Plumcroft is a five-form entry school located on two sites. The Plum Lane Campus is on the side of Shooters Hill in Plumstead and the Vincent Road Campus is in the heart of Woolwich. We are a diverse and friendly community, who love to celebrate our differences as well as sharing joint interests. Our school population is made up of a number of different traditions and backgrounds and we hold regular community events in order to recognise and celebrate these varied cultures.
We have an outstanding PE department and an excellent music programme ensuring that all children have the opportunity to sing and learn a musical instrument and participate in public performances.
We provide a broad and balanced primary education which meets every child’s needs, interests and aspirations. We nurture each child’s attainment, progress and enjoyment of learning in all subjects. We promote independence of thought and develop a sense of responsibility for the children’s own achievements, behaviour and well-being.