Primary School




At Plumcroft, we use the Jigsaw PSHE program to enhance our teaching and learning. Jigsaw is a popular Primary PSHE curriculum that ensures we comply with all statutory guidelines from the DfE for Relationships Education and Health Education. It offers a thorough program for Primary PSHE, including mandatory Relationships and Health Education, through a structured and progressive scheme of work. This program provides children with meaningful learning experiences to help them understand their world and build positive relationships with themselves and others. Jigsaw places a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, resilience, and mental and physical health. By incorporating mindfulness, it helps children improve their emotional awareness, concentration, and focus, allowing us to deliver engaging and relevant PSHCE education throughout the school.


We do use Jigsaw’s SRE programme, which parents/carers have the option to withdraw their child from. We consult parents/carers on this via parent/carer workshops.